Tony LeCara
Prehab/Post-Rehab Fitness
Describe the essence of what you do in your role at Valeo PT “I work on the fitness side of Valeo. I engage individuals and small groups to continue their recovery and prevent future injuries.” What are some of your personal interests, outside of work? “Fitness of all types. I have run marathons, biked centuries, competed in duathlons and triathlons. When I’m not training, competing, or helping others prepare I spend time studying to keep my skills sharp. I also co-own The Aviator Shop with my sister, a family business over 32 years old. What are some things you believe in? What is your favorite quote or words of wisdom? “What have you done to make someone else’s day better?” What do you like most about working for Valeo PT? “The staff care for each other more like a family than co-workers. Employees and patients are always treated with respect and compassion.” What do you like most about caring for patients? “To watch their goals become experiences.” Why did you choose to become a personal trainer? “To help others become the best that they can be.” What do you think patients like most about you? “I make a commitment to each one. When you walk through that door there will always be a reason, a purpose, a goal for this workout. Any day I can not tell you specifically why we are here we should both go home.” |